My Hero Ultra Rumble Mid-Season1 :: "MHUR Release Arc"
Pre-Aizawa Patch Mid Season1
After a strong start in Season1 we continued to stream & play MHUR! Around this time we were approaching into the Top50 ACE Rank. Around here is when I initially started to enjoy All Might and play more characters.
Around this time we started to doing "!ViewerGames" on the weekends! These ended up going really well because The Constellations are very supportive & played as a team with me to get the wins!
I started to make more friends from comp players, to creators, casuals & ect and really get to know the community a bit more day by day.
Here are some more YT Videos from this timeframe for your leisure time.
Post-Aizawa Patch Mid Season1
After Aizawa's Release in Season1, we saw more balance changes & a new character. I still was undecided on my main character and continued to explore the game.
Aizawa was really cool but unfortunately bugged on release, but we did manage to win our 1st game using him which was pretty exciting. We also enjoyed Mt Lady a lot!
We continued to do "!ViewerGames" on the weekends! These sessions went pretty well overall, some days were difficult due to the difficulty but were still great experiences!
I continued to make progression with the community and the game which felt really nice considering how things have shifted since launch.
Here are some more YT Videos from this timeframe for your leisure time.
TYSM For Reading! Continue the Story in PART4 HERE
Thank you all so much! We finished Phase 1 of my plan and now it's time to enter Phase 2! WE ARE HERE!!!